OSHA Safety Training
Reduce the business risks and costs of potential OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) violations.
If you don’t stay compliant, you could be faced with hefty fines and damaging publicity. Depending on your industry especially in the technology and scientific sectors, you will need to review the complete lists of basic and specialized OSHA and Cal/OSHA standards that you must meet.
Contact us for a:
OSHA Assessment and recommendations
Executive presentation on managing complex OSHA issues
Call to set up a meeting with us to customize training programs to meet the specific needs of your company.
Hazardous Materials
Businesses with hazardous materials on-site have a responsibility to ensure employees know and understand the chemicals on-site in their workplace.
In some instances, responding to and mitigating spills and leaks may be necessary as part of trained employees’ responsibilities.
FIRST IN offers the following levels of Hazardous Materials Training depending on your site-specific need:
Hazardous Communications – 2 hours
Hazardous Materials First Responder Awareness – 4 Hours
Hazardous Materials First Responder Operations – 16 Hours
Hazardous Materials Industrial Technician – 24 Hours
Hazardous Materials Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) 40 Hrs
Fire Extinguisher
California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 8, Section 6151
Employee training is required for using a fire extinguisher, and should be provided when first employed, when assigned to an emergency response team, and at least annually thereafter.
We’ll cover the general principles of using a fire extinguisher and the hazards involved with the beginning stages of fire fighting. Training includes reporting fires, evaluating fire size, using the provided extinguishers, and maintaining an exit route. If allowed by the local city jurisdiction, we provide live fire training — something you won’t find with our competitors
Back Safety
Preventing a back injury is much easier than repairing one.
Because your back is critically important to your ability to walk, sit, stand, and run, it's important to nip back problems in the bud.
We encourage Back Safety training in conjunction with all courses requiring patient lifts, carries or drags. Because most back pain arises from using your back improperly, we teach a few basic rules about safe patient lifts, carries, drags and extrication device usage to help prevent possible injury to the rescuer.
Confined Space Awareness, Entry & Rescue
FIRST IN offers 3 levels of Confined Space Training following California Code of Regulations (CCR) Article 108, sections 5156 through 5158 depending on your company’s requirements under OSHA.
Training is critical when entering areas deemed as confined spaces in the workplace. We can also provide workplace assessments to help you determine areas that are classified as confined spaces.
Levels include:
Confined Space Awareness
Confined Space Entry
Confined Space Rescue
Building Evacuation
OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.38
Employers are required to implement and conduct annual drills to ensure the safe and orderly evacuation of employees during a fire, disaster, or any other workplace emergency.
We provide preplanning, organization, supervision, annual drills, and post-drill evaluations to help eliminate mistakes and misunderstandings that are critical to the safe evacuation of all occupants in an emergency.
Floor Warden / Floor Sweeper Training
Floor wardens are on the front lines of emergency response when an alarm occurs
Their quick actions, clear thinking and calm leadership are vital to ensuring the safety of building occupants during an emergency evacuation.
Encouraging the use of floor wardens/sweepers for all buildings regardless of number of floors, we train floor wardens/sweepers to facilitate the evacuation of occupants from the floor during a fire alarm.
Special Event Medical Standby & Safety Assessments
Many companies feel at ease when they are prepared for emergencies at important events.
We provide Basic Life Support (BLS) at events such as sports, conferences, exhibitions and seminars that gives participants access to our emergency response services.
Our highly trained paramedic and emergency medical technicians will be the first link in response in an emergency. Before the event, our staff can also evaluate the event setup addressing potential hazardous situations before the event